We are at the starting line of marathon week. Participants are tapered and anxious for race day. We are in the throws of several “marathon” days before we get to the weekend when the days run into nights then late nights and early mornings and there is no rest. And, you should know that we are anxious too.
This has been one of the hardest planning years that I can remember. Whether I was a KTC staff member or not, I have been part of this event since year one.
In the early years of volunteering and with Altman as Director, we didn’t sleep at all. The last few years, there is a little sleep but never more than 4 or 5 hours. I suspect that there will be less than that this year.
Everything is new again. The finish line change really does change everything.
It’s been challenging. Scratch that. It’s been hard.
It’s not just the race changes that have made things hard. Life is always challenging. We have a new normal with my transition to MEDIC (which I LOVE but more on that later).
Raising kids is hard. It would be silly to say otherwise. We have two amazing boys who have very different personalities and interests and they rarely get along for more than 10 minutes at a time. They have activities and homework and we have to integrate their schedules with ours.
Raising kids is hard. It would be silly to say otherwise. We have two amazing boys who have very different personalities and interests and they rarely get along for more than 10 minutes at a time. They have activities and homework and we have to integrate their schedules with ours.
I wouldn’t change any of it. I tell them that we are blessed with opportunity and I mean it.
That said, everything feels kind of heavy right now as I look at the week ahead. Keeping things together at home while Altman works 16+ hours a day isn’t easy. He starts working as soon as he is up and he works late in to every night. This week, I won’t see him in the evening until Thursday. He has to be out every night this week with final prep for the weekend. That’s probably not a big deal to many of you but he’s my person and I miss him when we can't be together and catch up.
The kids need to be fed, homework needs to be completed, laundry needs to be done and so much more. On top of those things, I still have that full-time job where I am still learning so much and also planning for our next fiscal year. :)
I'm also fortunate (and grateful and humbled) to have been invited back to do live coverage on Sunday with WBIR and have a little more studying to do before race day.
I'm also fortunate (and grateful and humbled) to have been invited back to do live coverage on Sunday with WBIR and have a little more studying to do before race day.
Is this the year when I fail to do all the things?
No. No it’s not but I can tell you that not one extra thing will be allowed this week. We are in survive and advance mode.
It’s race time for the Altman family and we will shrug the weight off our shoulders. We will be focused on keeping up with the pace during this marathon week. And note that I didn't say finish line because that is well over a month away, but if we can get through this week then we are past the proverbial “wall” and can make it to the end.
See you next weekend.
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