I fully believe that if you are going to utilize social media as much as we do then you post the bad with the good. The good - we had a great day yesterday with Jackson at the game. We are fortunate to have a friend that gave us three tickets and we were able to visit with so many friends before the game. We've found a great new babysitter who is awesome with both boys and stayed with Karson while we were out. It was nice to indulge Jackson in some much needed alone time with mommy and daddy.
With that said, I am so weary and this is where I talk about how un-fun this past week has been and seemingly continues to be. I find myself wanting for the days when we were just tired because Karson wasn't sleeping.
This has been one of the most challenging weeks we've had in a long time. First, Jason hurt his leg last Sunday. That took us on this emotional journey because he has been training so hard for a marathon in one week from today. On the same day, Karson woke up not feeling well. I know this because he took a nap about 90 minutes after getting up that day. He isn't much of a sleeper so that is an instant sign that he is sick.
K recently had his 15 month vaccinations and the doc said he might run a fever and that a mild reaction is normal one week later. He was grumpy on Monday but his symptoms weren't worse. Same things on Tuesday. By Wednesday, he was intolerable. He was up most of Wednesday night with a high fever and vomiting. When he did sleep, he was restless and kept us awake all night with worry and debating on whether or not to go to the hospital. I took him to the doctor on Thursday and hoped we be on the upswing. Not so much. Again, fever and vomiting on Thursday night. Basically, a replay of Wednesday.
He slept well Friday and Saturday night but he's developed a rash (maybe a reaction to the MMR) and is still on a roller coaster of emotions and symptoms. Laughing at times and unbearable in the blink of an eye.
Here is my very quick pity party. I wish we had help. I wish that we didn't have to pay someone to help us whenever we need it. We are blessed to have the BEST neighbors that help when they can. Unfortunate timing, she was in Australia and he had injured himself early in the week so we didn't want to burden him. A couple of friends offered help but they have their own kids and asking them to stay all night probably isn't appropriate. We didn't hear from some friends all week.
I poured two cups of coffee today and both were cold before I got the first sip. That has been the pattern all week. And, I won't lie that I am a little green with envy looking at Facebook and seeing all the great race results. I am a little jealous of the folks who have (or can make) the time to train. I just don't have it in me to get up at 4 am to do it...usually because we've been awake all night.
Pity party over. The reality is that we've had a rough week. There will be many more. There will be some great weeks. It is always a mix. That is life.
I learned new lessons.
I am reminded that life rolls in seasons. It is a marathon so to speak and not a sprint. There will be ample time for training in the future. I choose to put training on hold so that I have time to pursue other opportunities and activities. I still run but don't have a plan. And, honestly, it is really refreshing to leave the watch at home and not know my pace or distance.
I am a lucky gal. I am blessed and humbled to be able to be a wife to a great husband (who by the way has been incredible this past week despite the 9 stitches in his leg), chase after our two generally healthy boys, run my own business, and serve the community in so many special ways. I am also blessed with some great upcoming opportunities to do what I love in the fitness sector (stay tuned....some of you will get very excited about what lies ahead).
So that's that. If you wanted roses and happy faces then you'll have to wait for a future post. If you wanted reality then this was a good dose of it. For now, I am going to finish my cold coffee and get us ready for the week ahead.
See ya on the roads.
My life is full of ups and downs and as many miles as I can run!
Sunday, October 12, 2014
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