It was bound to happen. I have a child so at some point, some stranger was going to tell me how to raise my kid. After 2 years and 3 months, this past Saturday was that point in time.
Back story starts with waking Jackson up at 6:45 am. That is at least an hour before he gets up normally. We went to Pigeon Forge so I could run a race. While I raced, he and Jason raced through the halls of the high school, across the parking lot, down the road, and back countless times.
If he wasn't overstimulated enough, we took him to the kiddie ride place where he rode the train, the swings, and Thomas. He was now past his nap time but he was also hungry and so were we. We asked him what he wanted to eat and as usual, he replied, "Mac and Cheese."
We stopped at the Cracker Barrel. The food is fast and there is a lot that will keep a toddler occupied. We were called to be seated almost immediately. Jackson was not pumped to sit in the high chair. He started crying and kicking and was not at all happy. Wouldn't you be mad? Think about being tired and hungry with someone trying to strap you into a chair? At least he doesn't know any foul words yet....
At this point, everyone in the Cracker Barrel had turned their heads to take a look.
To soothe him, I asked Jason to give him the paci. For everyone that just gasped, yes, he still uses his pacifier for sleeping only. Judge if you want but if this is the worst thing we do as parents then I will take it! The only reason it was with us was because we intended for him to sleep in the car on the way home. Each morning, he immediately puts the paci in the play kitchen (his place to hold it this week) and he gets it back only when it is time to sleep. He does the same thing for nap time at home and the same rules apply at pre-school. As soon as he wakes up, the paci goes into the back pack.
Back to the story...he immediately calmed down. He started coloring and playing and everyone in the restaurant could eat in peace.
Seconds later, a lady diagonal from me motioned for me to come over. Of course I looked around and she she shook her head yes indicating that she wanted to talk to me. She promptly told me that her daughter had used the "Binky Fairy" and that she had great success weaning her granddaughter from the paci using the ol' Binky Fairy. She said that we should maybe consider trying the same thing since he seemed so attached to the binky.
For those of you who know me, you know that I am hardly ever at a loss for words. Ever. In those 15 seconds before I spoke, I wasn't really sure how to proceed. Dump her tea on her? Probably not appropriate. Talk to her like I used to talk to line cooks in my restaurant days? Again, probably not appropriate. I thanked her for her advice and told her that he was tired and that we gave him the paci so that everyone else in the restaurant could enjoy their food. I smiled and walked back to the table. I tried not to make disgusting faces at her while telling Jason what had just happened.
Seriously? It was bound to happen at some point and now, it has happened. Ironically, all of the people who have heard the story have had their own advice on how to handle someone like this!
If you ever get the urge to tell a stranger how to raise their child, just don't do it. They are not going to thank you and mean it. My kid is not your grand kid. My kid isn't your kid. If I am lucky enough to have another kid someday, that kid isn't going to be Jackson. Very simple.
Did she mean well? Probably. But, If I want your advice strange lady, I will ask you for it.
Today's lesson: Watch out for strangers who want to talk to you...........which makes me turn that around and into the old saying, "Never talk to strangers." Hmmm.
My life is full of ups and downs and as many miles as I can run!
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