Sunday, April 22, 2018

TGIF, Weekends, and Technology! Oh My!

For so many years, I would laugh when people would give the ol' TGIF and praise the weekend. In my two previous tenures with KTC, I didn't have a weekend because I worked most Saturdays and then spent Sunday cleaning up loose ends from Saturday. I hardly ever took a day off so the concept of leaving work behind for two whole days was totally foreign to me.

Truth be told, if you have kids, you don't really ever get a weekend because you are on call 24/7 but that's a discussion for another day.

Now that I've been out of the weekend events world for a year, I understand this amazing concept that is the weekend and I am hooked. I'm hooked not because I don't like my current job but because I get two full days to spend with my #altmanboys and focus on being mommy and trying to prepare us for the week ahead. Side note - if I ever do get back into full-time event planning, I fully understand the necessity of taking real/full days off for sanity and recharging and life.
Weekdays and weekends are still crazy for us and there are some weekends where the kids get along well and I end it feeling accomplished and there are others when I want to sleep on the deck just because I can't take any more arguing and I am drowning in laundry and things to do.

Each weekend brings special moments but this weekend was exceptional. 

We went to Ooltewah on Friday afternoon where we spent time with my grandparents and my sister and her youngest. We sat on the porch in rocking chairs while the kids went crazy and we caught up on life. 

For anyone following social, you saw that Jackson ran his first official 5K yesterday. I'm beyond proud. And I am beyond grateful to Dr. Sears who has taken care of our boy since he was 7 days old and made it possible for Jackson to walk and run like other kiddos.

After the race, we visited with my grandparents for a bit and headed back here to trim the hedges as well as mow the lawn and get laundry started. We ended the day with dinner on the deck and then snuggles on the sofa.

Today was like a week in one day. Altman ran on the tready while I paid bills and started more laundry. The boys dropped me off on Sutherland Avenue so I could run and meet them at Tyson Park. I had a surprisingly fast (and accidental) progression run and finished up in time to play, pick up our Clicklist, make brunch at home and then head downtown to see the chalk drawings before they are rained out. We stopped for ice cream at the Phoenix Pharmacy and then back home. Since then, I have finished four loads of laundry (with one more round to finish), prepped/cooked food for the week, cleaned the kitchen and bathrooms, reviewed my schedule for work and life, and cooked dinner.

All of these things can be accomplished because of technology -  it allows us to do more during those two days. Clicklist may be the greatest invention ever. I spend less money because there are fewer impulse buys and I save an hour every weekend by choosing my items (that are already saved in their system) and clicking submit each Saturday evening - all for the low five dollar service charge. Additionally, I used Amazon to order a few supplies and I am getting ready to place an order via Target for a few other items that I prefer to get there. I don't have to leave home and all the things we need will be here by Tuesday at the latest.

As I look ahead to tomorrow, I am hopeful that we are ready for the week. We have food. Workouts are planned. Meetings are set. We're ready for the boys' activities. Laundry is almost completed. Almost.

I'm far from perfect and most days, I question whether or not I'll make it to bedtime alive but I am thankful for the two days to be mommy and catch up with my boys. 

Cheers to Monday and hopefully I'll see you on the roads. 

Happy New Year!

The ball dropped two days ago, and we are off and running in a new year. The placement of NYD during the week makes it feel like it hasn...