Many years ago, I decided that every day, I would remember why I am thankful...and grateful. It has worked pretty well and I almost never forget to stop, ponder, and remind myself that I am a lucky gal.
Life isn't roses. I have said that before and I will say it again. There are days that are really, really hard and sometimes those days turn into weeks. With that said, every day that all four of us wake up and go to bed is a success and I remind myself of that every day.
This year, I am especially thankful for so many things.
We were fortunate to get pregnant right away with Jackson. It took a year with Karson. We didn't talk about it much outwardly but it was hard. It had been so easy the first time and I am very impatient so waiting and hoping were hard. It was November 1 when we found out I was pregnant. So, one year ago, I was finally pregnant and hoping that things went well (I had had a chemical pregnancy while trying). I am so thankful for Karson. He is such a joy and I can't imagine life without him.
I am really, really thankful for our family/friends. I don't currently have a relationship with my parents. I could talk about it and maybe some day I will but for now, I want all of you to know that you make our lives so special and that you are our family. We don't have much of a relationship with Jason's family either. We don't have grandparents who can watch the kids when we need time off. But, we have some special people that help us day in and day out and I am so thankful for them.
I see lots of articles about social media driving us apart but on the flip side, Facebook has been wonderful for us. Our friends and out of town family can watch our kids grow and can track things. Just last week, a very special friend brought a ton of train stuff to us for Jackson. She may not have known his passion for Thomas without FB. This isn't a new scenario for us. It has happened over and over.
See, the people in our lives are there for a reason and they have become our family. Blood relation isn't as important as the actual relationship. We currently have friends that are as much family as any of our blood relatives and I am so thankful for them. My girlfriends are my sisters and they know who they are and that I would do anything for them. That is because I know they'll do anything for me and be there whenever I need them.
I am thankful for Jason. It has been a wild year. We got pregnant, I quit my job, I started a new job, I committed myself to boards and committees, had a baby, and am now starting to train for some long distance races and he is so ridiculously supportive. He has taken on a great deal of "daddy" duty and truly splits time with the children so that I can pursue so many things. He is my best friend and I can never thank him enough for the love and support he provides me.
So, in 2013, I am very thankful. We are healthy and happy. We are finding our way as a family of 4. We are looking ahead to the future.
Happy Thanksgiving friends!