Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Closing a Door...

In a little less than a month, I am going to close the door on a piece of my life. I have resigned as the Managing Director of the KTC. I am working through mid-January in an effort to make the transition smoother from 2012 to 2013. I could tell you that I am sad to go but in reality, I am very excited about the future. I have no idea what it will bring. I don't have a job lined up but am exploring several options.

I was hired in early 2009 and started my first official day on April 1 that year although I really started working as soon as I was offered the job. I did so out of necessity because there was so much to be done. I didn't want to get behind and I didn't want participants and members to suffer.

It has been a wild ride. I have gotten to do some cool things. Top 5 in life has to be the Fast 40 Dash on I-40 before it re-opened. What a crazy event to plan with no date and then find a way to put that many people on the interstate legally and safely. And, if you don't remember, I was 100 weeks pregnant (not really but it felt like it) and everyone was so worried that I was going to go into labor right there on the newly paved interstate. It was an amazing day.

I have made lots of friends many of which have become our extended family. We have been blessed and lucky. I have seen people transform their lives and it has been amazing.

I've talked a lot about change and life lately. Mostly because I have been evaluating mine. I am so lucky to have the best husband in the world. He is supportive and he knows when things aren't well. Did I mention that he is really smart?

For quite some time, I have been unhappy. I thought it might be because I wasn't pregnant yet or I thought it might be because we've had a rough year at KTC.  I have given my work situation a lot of thought over the last several months. I just don't have my "happy" anymore in this job. I love KTC and it isn't fair to either of us if I am not happy.

Some recent issues have really made me/us, stop and think about our life. We've really examined what is important and what needs to change and it kept coming back to my job. I almost always work 7 days a week. There is an event every weekend and I work most holidays. If I don't work that actual holiday then we work the day before or the weekend of the holiday. In almost 4 years, I have had to work on every vacation. Yes, every single vacation and yes, getting the work done was necessary.

I don't want to sound ungrateful because I have been very grateful to have this opportunity. But when you stop and think about life, I have a small child and I only get one shot here. If you don't have kids then you may never understand that concept. But, if you have kids - no matter the age - you get it. This is it. He won't ever be little again and if I miss it now then it is gone forever. And, it moves fast. Very fast. Head spinning - he was only a baby yesterday - fast.  I didn't put myself through 9 months of hormones, bad running, big belly, and terrible heartburn to miss out on this dude's life.

Life is too short to be anything but happy. I need a better schedule and I need more time for me, Jason, and Jackson and hopefully another little Altman in our future. I have been humbled by the outpouring of people wanting the best for me. They have emailed and texted me about job opportunities. Some people are offering to create a job for me within their own companies. It makes my heart swell with happiness that we have such a fantastic support system.

So, I am closing one door and open another. I can't wait. It is going to be a fun ride.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

The ball dropped two days ago, and we are off and running in a new year. The placement of NYD during the week makes it feel like it hasn...